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HYALURONIC ACID SERUM-七次元超导体玻尿酸-基本微型美产品-10ML*3



HYALURONIC ACID giving concentrated treatment against pigmentation, dull complexion and dehydrated skin. Ideal for sensitive skin, effectively repair and regenerate the skin from inside out, promising a firmed, luminous and most radiant-looking skin.
Dr. HANKKER 最新研发「七次元超导体嫩白机制」,玻尿酸:针对斑点、蜡黄、黯沉、缺水甚至敏感皮肤,能全面发挥抑制、还原、修护、补充效果,由内而外,解决问题肌肤的困扰,让皮肤再次展现清透无暇、明亮嫩白光彩。


HYALURONIC ACID SERUM-七次元超导体玻尿酸-基本微型美产品-10ML*3


HYALURONIC ACID Formulated with Hyaluronic Acid. Tranexamic Acid, Collagen, Tocopherois Thalassine. Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Butylene Glycol, Hyaluronic Acid well know for its natural property in storing the water molecules of the skin, ensuring cell’s healthy metabolism system,as well as skin elasticity. Giving concentrated treatment against pigmentation, dull complexion and dehydrated skin. Ideal for sensitive skin, effectively repair and regenerate the skin from inside out, promising a firmed, luminous and most radiant-looking skin.
Dr. HANKKER 最新研发「七次元超导体嫩白机制」,玻尿酸:是一种酸性多醣体,主要存在于真皮层的胶原纤维蛋白和弹性纤维蛋白的空隙中,可吸收400-1000倍的水分,可以让维持皮肤之高度饱水状态,并重建水脂保护膜,使皮肤健康柔嫩、富光泽,是人体皮肤主要的保湿因子。针对斑点、蜡黄、黯沉、缺水甚至敏感皮肤,能全面发挥抑制、还原、修护、补充效果,由内而外,解决问题肌肤的困扰,让皮肤再次展现清透无暇、明亮嫩白光彩。


After cleansing ,place 1-2 drops of serum on finger tips and massage(press) gently into skin on face and jawline . Apply 1-2 times daily.
Day: Advance Lightening Hyaluronic & Anti-line Serum, Advance Puffylift & Shape Toning serum
Night: Advance Plumping & Hyaluronic A&C serum or Advance Lightening Hyaluronic & Anti-line Serum ,plus ARGERILINE AESTHETICS SERUM or Advance Puffylift & Shape Toning serum.
Strengthen: 5 IN 1 Face Lift Slim&Contouring Serum, follow with Shaping Brighten Cream or moisturizer. Effective results.
洁面,爽肤后, 在指尖上涂抹1-2滴精华液,轻贴或按摩至面部,下颚线部。每日1-2次,
日 : 超导体玻尿酸亮白抗纹絲精华液 跟着 提丰紧致造型精华液
晚 : 焕活抗氧化丰润净白H&C浓缩液 或 超导体玻尿酸亮白抗纹絲精华液 跟着 六生杆菌弹实精华液 或 提丰紧致造型精华液
加强-5in1微医紧致纤容抗菌精华液跟着 脸型修饰霜或保湿霜。有效。

Weight 300 g


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