Showing 49–64 of 282 results
5-SpotlessX Spot Mask – 斑.美肤面膜(单) – 8gm
$94.00Add to cartBENEFIT
SpotlessX Spot Mask : Deeply cleanses, invigorates , clarifies all skin conditions and improves skin’s appearance , the effectively helps minimize the appearance of blemishes , instant Pore Minimizer , tightens and refines skin .
斑.美肤面膜(单) : 深层清洁,活化,并改善皮肤外观,有效地净白填補小痕跡的出现,即时减少毛孔,紧致和细化皮肤. -
5a-Slim Jawline1 7D Filler Micro Serum-自微型- 纤小轮廓填充微型液-8gm
$107.00Add to cartBENEFIT
Many people’s mandibles will continue to grow after they reach adulthood, even to the age of 40. This can be compared with your parents. If your parents have a square face, it is very likely that you will have inherited it.
To get rid of the baby’s fat face, with a large face shape and unclear contour lines on the jawline. Slim Jawline1 7D Filler Micro Serum, it provides increased skin elasticity, smoothing fine lines, stimulating cell activation and stimulating collagen Forms and activates cell energy, resists free radicals, resists aging, promotes cell regeneration, prevents skin relaxation caused by excessive oil secretion, and has the effect of micro-tightening and slim face result.很多人的下颌骨在成年之后依然会持续增长,甚至到40岁。这一点可以对照自己的父母,如果父母脸型很方,那很有可能你也会有所遗传.
要甩掉婴儿肥脸,“大饼脸”,脸型轮廓大,下颌缘轮廓线条也不清晰,不是难事. 自微型- 纤小轮廓 填充 微型液提供增加皮肤弹性、抚平细纹、刺激细胞活化、长效保湿、刺激胶原蛋白形成、活化细胞能量、抗自由基、抗老化、促进细胞再生,防止因油脂分泌过盛,所产生的皮肤松弛现象,具有微形紧致纤容的功效. -
5b-Firmly Jawline2 7D Filler Micro Serum-自微型- 紧实轮廓填充微型液-8gm
$104.00Add to cartBENEFIT
A noticeable jaw line is the key identifier of a high level face. Fat buildup and a thick double chin will result in having a unstructured jawline . A sagging skin will cause the jawline to be undefined and uneven.
Or being under-developed will create a face-line that’s sagging, lack of edges and jawlines.
Natural aesthetic – tighten the face shape by filling method, and effectively creating the structural jawline.
Is useful in promoting and strengthening the elasticity of the skin, is able to focus on the jawline, by improving the elasticity and firmness.明显下颌线 能奠定了您是否属于高级脸、气质脸。脂肪堆积, 厚厚的双下巴,从侧面看,脸和脖子连在一起 或脂肪淹没了下颌骨。皮肤松弛会让下颌线不平整,弯弯曲曲.或下颌骨发育不饱满, 就会显得松软,缺乏棱角、线条。
自微型- 紧实轮廓 填充 微型液,虽无法根本解决,但有填补,还是有效塑造下颌线出来. 有助于松弛肌肤上弹性蛋白的增加和增强,可针对下颌缘提升,以帮助改善弹性和密度。 -
5free1-淡斑580微型美护肤疗-Anti-Pigmentation Aesthetics Treatment
$194.00Add to cartBenefit
It boosts the formation of new cells. Accelerates the elimination of dead cells, resulting in a swifter natural exfoliation and stimulating the rise of new cells. Anti-aging, brings a surprising new texture, EMBBEDING TIGHTENING ,lifting , sculpting and with 3D face effect.
这促进了新细胞的形成。 加速清除死细胞,从而加快自然脱落并刺激新细胞的产生。 皮肤因此吸收更多的氧气,其质地将变得更光滑,更湿润。抗衰老,带来了令人惊讶的新纹理, 毛孔收紧, 提升,雕刻效果,并具有面部效果淡斑微型美
Anti-Pigmentation Aesthetics Treatment
Refer to below Description
$431.00Add to cartBENEFIT
It helps to improve aging, dehydration, sagging and fine lines skin, Brightens up dull-looking skin and skin looks smooth and virtually flawless.
能针对改善肌肤的每一层老化、脱水、松弛、下垂、细纹现象,是维持健康丰盈肌底弹力,换发肌肤青春活力。并有效改善肌肤暗沉、让皮肤保持弹性美白,回复自然美白光透年轻风采。 -
6-CELLULITE SERIES 消脂锦囊-SLIM HEALTHY KIT-(Home make-food) – 22g*10
$87.00Read moreBENEFIT
Slim Healthy Kit consists of varieties, they can be added into your cookings besides drinking them after boiling.
Consumer is able to enjoy this product without the fear of gaining weight. To taste healthy diet is to taste beauty!
消脂锦囊有分为几个种类, 除了沸水煮滚来喝也可以加入烹调里。
所谓的一物治一物就能达到享吃不怕胖的效果。吃出健康瘦,吃出美! -
$60.00Add to cartBENEFIT
It is based on high-quality ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E&F, aloe vera, etc., which can effectively delay aging, replenish moisture and lock in moisture, and maintain freshness.
It also contains the soothing and anti-redness effects of mallow and arrow grass.基于高质成份如玻尿酸, 透明质酸,维生素E&F,芦荟等优质成分,有效抗衰老,补充水分和锁住水分,并保持鲜净.
也含有锦葵和蓍草舒缓和抗脸红的作用,丰富的石榴提取物组成的高含量鞣花酸,甜菜碱和葡萄糖酸内酯,有助于减少变色和防止黑色素形成。 -
6a-Firmly Cheeks 7D Filler Micro Serum 自微型 – 挺紧苹果肌填充微型液-8gm
$87.00Add to cartBENEFIT
Firmly cheeks 7D Filler Micro Serum , full of Hyaluronic acid and firmness lift, skin nourishment, increase skin elasticity essence, make apple muscle natural.
At the same time, it can also improve the effect of the tear groove under the eyes, and the whole face instantly becomes three-dimensional自微型- 挺紧苹果肌 填充 微型液 充满了玻尿酸和紧致提升,肌肤营养,增加皮肤的弹性精华液, 使苹果肌充盈自然.
同时还可以改善眼部下方泪沟的效果,整个脸即刻变得立体 -
6b-Puffy cheeks-7D Filler Micro Serum – 自微型- 蓬挺苹果肌 填充 微型液-8gm
$84.00Add to cartBENEFIT
Puffy cheeks 7D Filler Micro Serum , full of Hyaluronic acid and firmness lift, skin nourishment, increase skin elasticity essence, make apple muscle full and natural.
At the same time, it can also improve the effect of the tear groove under the eyes, and the whole face instantly becomes three-dimensional自微型- 蓬挺苹果肌 填充 微型液 充满了玻尿酸和紧致提升,肌肤营养,增加皮肤的弹性精华液, 使苹果肌充盈自然.