3D 2STAR ESSENCE AESTHETICS TREATMENT MASK 3D 2星肌因赋活逆齡微医美疗膜 – Beauty Store https://store.drhankker.com Terimee International Beauty Slimming Wed, 24 Jul 2024 07:08:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 3D2STAR LIFTING EMBEDDING AESTHETICS MPI MASK-3D 2星浓缩提升紧实V型微医美疗膜 https://store.drhankker.com/product/3d2star-lifting-embedding-aesthetics-mpi-mask/ https://store.drhankker.com/product/3d2star-lifting-embedding-aesthetics-mpi-mask/#respond Tue, 07 Jul 2020 10:53:44 +0000 http://store.drhankker.com/?post_type=product&p=251 BENEFIT Retains skin moisture, embedding and immediate lifting effect on the face 保持胶原蛋白合成,保持皮肤水分,立即提升紧实V微型]]> 3D2STAR LIFTING EMBEDDING AESTHETICS MPI MASK
3D 2星浓缩提升紧实V型微医美疗膜 – 5GM

Hyaluronic acid mask keeps collagen synthesis up, as well as retains skin moisture, embedding and immediate lifting effect on the face , also is ideal for preventing and reducing the appearance of T-zone shine, black & white heads


Step 1: Use a mask after cleansing and toner, and use it on a dry face. Take 5 gm of gel mask, do a rotating motion on the entire face for 2 minutes.
Step 2: Remove the gel mask from the bottom. Gently wipe the mask from the various ends with a towel and ensure that everything off .
Step 3: Apply all remaining masks to the entire face and leave for about 5 to 8 minutes.
Step 4: Lightly scrape the gel mask from bottom to top, wipe gently with a wet towel and follow up with a splash to ensure that you got everything off.
步骤1: 在洁面和爽肤水后使用面膜,并在干燥的脸部使用,先取5克凝胶面膜,然后在整个脸部旋转2分钟.
步骤3:应用所有剩余的面膜, 塗在全脸, 停留约5至8分钟。


Retains skin moisture, embedding and immediate lifting effect on the face

https://store.drhankker.com/product/3d2star-lifting-embedding-aesthetics-mpi-mask/feed/ 0
z-3D 2STAR REFINING TIGHTENING AESTHETICS MPI MASK – 3D 2星浓缩肌密V型微医美疗膜 – 5GM https://store.drhankker.com/product/3d-2star-refining-tightening-aesthetics-mpi-mask/ https://store.drhankker.com/product/3d-2star-refining-tightening-aesthetics-mpi-mask/#respond Tue, 07 Jul 2020 10:52:31 +0000 http://store.drhankker.com/?post_type=product&p=250 BENEFIT Retains skin moisture, refining and immediate lifting effect on the face 保持胶原蛋白合成,保持皮肤水分,使脸部立即肌密V微型]]> 3D 2STAR REFINING TIGHTENING AESTHETICS MPI MASK
3D 2星浓缩肌密V型微医美疗膜 – 5GM

Hyaluronic acid mask keeps collagen synthesis up, as well as retains skin moisture, refining and immediate lifting effect on the face , also is ideal for preventing and reducing the appearance of T-zone shine, black & white heads


Step 1: Use a mask after cleansing and toner, and use it on a dry face. Take 5 gm of gel mask, do a rotating motion on the entire face for 2 minutes.
Step 2: Remove the gel mask from the bottom. Gently wipe the mask from the various ends with a towel and ensure that everything off .
Step 3: Apply all remaining masks to the entire face and leave for about 5 to 8 minutes.
Step 4: Lightly scrape the gel mask from bottom to top, wipe gently with a wet towel and follow up with a splash to ensure that you got everything off.
步骤1: 在洁面和爽肤水后使用面膜,并在干燥的脸部使用,先取5克凝胶面膜,然后在整个脸部旋转2分钟.
步骤3:应用所有剩余的面膜, 塗在全脸, 停留约5至8分钟。


Retains skin moisture, refining and immediate lifting effect on the face

https://store.drhankker.com/product/3d-2star-refining-tightening-aesthetics-mpi-mask/feed/ 0
3D 2STAR SCULPTING ESSENCE AESTHETICS MPI MASK – 3D 2星浓缩塑紧V型微医美疗膜 – 5GM https://store.drhankker.com/product/3d-2star-sculpting-essence-aesthetics-mpi-mask/ https://store.drhankker.com/product/3d-2star-sculpting-essence-aesthetics-mpi-mask/#respond Tue, 07 Jul 2020 10:50:04 +0000 http://store.drhankker.com/?post_type=product&p=247 BENEFIT Retains skin moisture, sculpting and immediate lifting effect on the face 保持胶原蛋白合成,保持皮肤水分,使脸部立即塑紧V微型]]> 3D 2STAR SCULPTING ESSENCE AESTHETICS MPI MASK
3D 2星浓缩塑紧V型微医美疗膜 – 5GM

Hyaluronic acid mask keeps collagen synthesis up, as well as retains skin moisture, sculpting and immediate lifting effect on the face , also is ideal for preventing and reducing the appearance of T-zone shine, black & white heads


Step 1: Use a mask after cleansing and toner, and use it on a dry face. Take 5 gm of gel mask, do a rotating motion on the entire face for 2 minutes.
Step 2: Remove the gel mask from the bottom. Gently wipe the mask from the various ends with a towel and ensure that everything off .
Step 3: Apply all remaining masks to the entire face and leave for about 5 to 8 minutes.
Step 4: Lightly scrape the gel mask from bottom to top, wipe gently with a wet towel and follow up with a splash to ensure that you got everything off.
步骤1: 在洁面和爽肤水后使用面膜,并在干燥的脸部使用,先取5克凝胶面膜,然后在整个脸部旋转2分钟.
步骤3:应用所有剩余的面膜, 塗在全脸, 停留约5至8分钟。


Retains skin moisture, sculpting and immediate lifting effect on the face

https://store.drhankker.com/product/3d-2star-sculpting-essence-aesthetics-mpi-mask/feed/ 0
z-3D 2STAR LIGHTENING ESSENCE AESTHETICS MPI MASK-3D 2星浓缩净白V型微医美疗膜 – 5GM https://store.drhankker.com/product/3d-2star-lightening-essence-aesthetics-mpi-mask/ https://store.drhankker.com/product/3d-2star-lightening-essence-aesthetics-mpi-mask/#respond Tue, 07 Jul 2020 10:48:52 +0000 http://store.drhankker.com/?post_type=product&p=246 BENEFIT Retains skin moisture, lighten and immediate lifting effect on the face 保持皮肤水分,使脸部立即提升净亮白]]> 3D 2STAR LIGHTENING ESSENCE AESTHETICS MPI MASK
3D 2星浓缩净白V型微医美疗膜 – 5GM

Hyaluronic acid mask keeps collagen synthesis up, as well as retains skin moisture, lighten and immediate lifting effect on the face , also is ideal for preventing and reducing the appearance of T-zone shine, black & white heads


Step 1: Use a mask after cleansing and toner, and use it on a dry face. Take 5 gm of gel mask, do a rotating motion on the entire face for 2 minutes.
Step 2: Remove the gel mask from the bottom. Gently wipe the mask from the various ends with a towel and ensure that everything off .
Step 3: Apply all remaining masks to the entire face and leave for about 5 to 8 minutes.
Step 4: Lightly scrape the gel mask from bottom to top, wipe gently with a wet towel and follow up with a splash to ensure that you got everything off.
步骤1: 在洁面和爽肤水后使用面膜,并在干燥的脸部使用,先取5克凝胶面膜,然后在整个脸部旋转2分钟.
步骤3:应用所有剩余的面膜, 塗在全脸, 停留约5至8分钟。


Retains skin moisture, lighten and immediate lifting effect on the face

https://store.drhankker.com/product/3d-2star-lightening-essence-aesthetics-mpi-mask/feed/ 0
3D 2STAR SOOTHING HYALURONIC AESTHETICS MPI MASK-3D 2星浓缩晶莹V型微医美疗膜 – 5GM https://store.drhankker.com/product/3d-2star-soothing-hyaluronic-aesthetics-mpi-mask/ https://store.drhankker.com/product/3d-2star-soothing-hyaluronic-aesthetics-mpi-mask/#respond Tue, 07 Jul 2020 10:45:24 +0000 http://store.drhankker.com/?post_type=product&p=245 BENEFIT Retains skin soothing moisture and immediate lifting effect on the face 保持皮肤水分,使脸部立即晶莹V微型]]> 3D 2STAR SOOTHING HYALURONIC AESTHETICS MPI MASK³⁰⁰
3D 2星浓缩晶莹V型微医美疗膜 – 5GM

Hyaluronic acid mask keeps collagen synthesis up, as well as retains skin soothing moisture and immediate lifting effect on the face , also is ideal for preventing and reducing the appearance of T-zone shine, black & white heads


Step 1: Use a mask after cleansing and toner, and use it on a dry face. Take 5 gm of gel mask, do a rotating motion on the entire face for 2 minutes.
Step 2: Remove the gel mask from the bottom. Gently wipe the mask from the various ends with a towel and ensure that everything off .
Step 3: Apply all remaining masks to the entire face and leave for about 5 to 8 minutes.
Step 4: Lightly scrape the gel mask from bottom to top, wipe gently with a wet towel and follow up with a splash to ensure that you got everything off.
步骤1: 在洁面和爽肤水后使用面膜,并在干燥的脸部使用,先取5克凝胶面膜,然后在整个脸部旋转2分钟.
步骤3:应用所有剩余的面膜, 塗在全脸, 停留约5至8分钟。


Retains skin soothing moisture and immediate lifting effect on the face

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]]> https://store.drhankker.com/product/3d-2star-soothing-hyaluronic-aesthetics-mpi-mask/feed/ 0