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ADVANCE DEEP IMPACT (Organic)SERUM(BREAST VIALS)-前卫深层丰盈 (有机)精华液-5ml*10



The bust regains or increases its height, its fullness .

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Sudden weight-loss and motherhood may lead to the progressive relaxationand loss the main symbol of femininity. Just one simple treatment raises and firms your bust (certification proves it, use confirms it). the bust regains or increases its height, its fullness .


Massage in using wide circular movements from the bottom upwards and from the outer edge inwards until completely absorbed. The Single Use Breast Plus Kit includes: a 5 ml Advance Deep Impact Serum or ADVANCE ACTIVATING & BUST LIFTING ACTIVATOR and a 8ml Breast toning serum lotion and Bust firmly cream
从底部向上,从外边缘向内进行大范围的圆周运动按摩,直至完全吸收。一次性使用的Breast Plus套件包括:5毫升的美胸重立营养液 或 激活和提升美胸精华液 和 8毫升的 美胸紧提精华液 和 丰胸乳霜.


Pisum Sativum,Panax Ginseng, Rosmarinus Officinalis*, Hamamelis Virginiana*, Salvia Officinalis*, Rice Oil, Soya Bean Oil*, Olive Oil*, Sweet Almond Oil* and Illipe Butter , etc *from organic agriculture

Natural characteristic intredients :
Pisum Sativum, Panax Ginseng, Rosmarinus Officinalis*, Hamamelis Virginiana*, Salvia Officinalis*, Rice Oil, Soya Bean Oil*, Olive Oil*, Sweet Almond Oil* and Illipe Butter. *from organic agriculture
Immediate effect! Visible results after just one application.Just one simple treatment lift & firms your face (certification proves it, use confirms it). Thanks to Pisum Sativum, Panax Ginseng, Rosmarinus Officinalis, Hamamelis Virginiana, Salvia Officinalis and a mixture of organic oils, the face regains or increases its firm, its brightening and its tone.LIFTING EFFECT: Pisum Sativum counteracts the effect of elastase and collagenase (enzymes that break down key cellular proteins). It increases skin elasticity by reducing skin relaxation and tissue breakdown.

RETEXTURIZING EFFECT: Pisum Sativum ensures a substantial contribution of sugars that increase the hydration of the horny layers of the epidermis, reducing water loss. It also provides a good supply of trace elements: iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium, which enhance the colour and radiance of the skin.

TONING EFFECT: Rosmarinus Officinalis is an excellent toner and astringent. Hamamelis Virginiana, rich in flavonoids, pectins and mucilages, stimulates and improves microcirculation. Salvia Officinalis, rich in essential oils, reactivates peripheral microcirculation and stimulates the elimination of stagnant liquids.

ANTIOXIDANT EFFECT: Panax Ginseng is rich in polysaccharides, organic acids, vitamin C and ginsenosides. It is an excellent antioxidant and prevents wrinkles from forming and skin from aging. Vitamin E (α – Tocopherol) has a powerful anti-free radical and anti-aging effect and participates in repair processes and tissue regeneration.

MOISTURIZING, SOFTENING AND SOOTHING EFFECT: Organic Soya Bean Oil, rich in essential fatty acids, minerals, trace elements and lecithin, has softening, soothing and moisturizing properties. Rice Oil and Organic Olive Oil contain oleic, linoleic and palmitic acids with moisturizing, smoothing and sebum-balancing properties.

MOISTURIZING AND ELASTICIZING EFFECT: Organic Sweet Almond Oil and lllipe Butter , rich in oleic, linoleic, stearic and arachidonic acids, have powerful moisturizing and elasticizing properties.


1-屋翳穴 – 胸胁胀满.
2-天溪穴 – 具有丰胸的效果.
3-乳根穴 – 有丰胸, 治疗乳腺炎、乳汁少、胸痛等.
4-膻中穴 – 活血通络、舒畅心胸等功能.

Weight 210 g


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